Parish Outreach

Parish Outreach
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“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me”

St. Matthew’s Gospel 23:35

Parish Outreach is people helping people.

Contact: Kathy Vaeth at (631) 941-4141 (ext. 333) or

St. James Parish Outreach

Parish Outreach is people helping people. We attend the temporary needs of a person with compassion and care, respecting their dignity regardless of their faith, race or immigration Status.

The Parish of St. James are working together in providing care and services for our brothers and sisters in need.

Parish Outreach has combined our efforts St. Vincent de Paul to serve the Three Village Community.

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Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

Each Sunday afternoon, dinner is provided to over 100 adults and children, by teams of volunteers working on a rotating schedule.

Join Us

Join Us

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, St. James Conference located in East Setuaket, NY. We meet and are based at the St. James R.C. Church

Get Help

Get Help

You can contact the St. Vincent de Paul, St. James Conference, which is located in Setauket N call or email us for further information.